Monday, October 11, 2010

First Ultimate Album

I don't know how many people will ever follow this but hopefully a few will.  After three days of pondering, arguing with myself and hair pulling I have picked My first ultimate album.  I am planning on doing it tomorrow, and I hope that everyone will agree with me.  Now then let me say this, some albums are big international best sellers, some are not, that is not the criteria for the albums I choose.  Here are the rules as set by me.
1. I have listened to the entire album more than once. is an album that has influenced me in my life, made a definite impression on me
3. No best of's greatest hits etc. Exceptions are those by artists who recorded and released albums before songs were put out in album form, ie Elvis.  Back then songs were put out as singles and were later re-released as greatest hits albums.
There are probably some more rules but I can't remember them.
I will put links to information for the purpose of anyone who actually wants to click on the link and learn some really neat stuff about the particular artist and others that they find.  I will also point out that a lot of the info I use is not mine and facts gathered from research on other people's websites etc.. I hope they don't sue and thank them in advance for the using of their information, and give them full credit where applicable.
Thanks to anyone who reads I hope you enjoy and here is a hint:
      Thanks and Enjoy


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